How to write best Upwork Proposal? Learn in 2024

upwork proposal

Today we are going to discuss best upwork Proposal example in 2024. Upwork Proposal is a kind of cover letter through which we can send our clients our work experience and our skill related information to understand that we have enough idea about the project we want to work on upwork.

Those of us who are involved with Freelancing Platform know very well what kind of work is actually done on this platform and how to work here. Today we will discuss these so that there is no doubt about our upwork proposal. I’ll talk about a clear idea about writing a great upwork proposal that will help us a lot to get new projects.

The main component of the link between a client and a freelancer in Upwork is the upwork proposal because through it we can make the first contact with a client so naturally we can say that we need to have a huge working relationship with it because if the cover letter or proposal may not be able to properly present the skills we have to the client, in that case we will not get the project from the client.

We can say that upwork proposal plays an important role in getting you a project. A great upwork proposal means we have a chance to get a project. So how to write and how we will present the proposal to the client I will discuss here. I’ve also shared how to start a freelance career with 5 tips

What is an Upwork Proposal!

Now we will discuss about the process of writing an application as we sometimes apply for our own needs or for some important work. In fact when we open an upwork account we can see that there are different projects one after another on this platform. All these project posts are related to our skills.

When we go to bid on these project posts, the first thing we have to do is write an application and tell them that we actually know the most about that particular project and after that we send that written request to the client. So this is called the upwork proposal which is also called cover letter.

In this cover letter we are given all the details such as how many days we will be able to complete this work, what kind of idea we have made from that work, what steps will be taken to complete that work. This is how we will write a complete application and send it to the client, but not just this way.

There is a process for that as first of all we have to follow some rules like writing that application. Following those rules one by one when we write a complete upwork proposal then we will mark it as a great upwork proposal and in that case if we having the right work experience and skills, in that case we have a great chance to get that project.

Importance of a successful Upwork proposal

70% of the time you get a project in Upwork depends on the upwork proposal. In upwork a proposal tells a client everything from the skills of a freelancer to his previous work experience so we can say that a proposal plays the biggest role in getting a project in Upwork.

So we can’t deny the role of this upwork proposal and that is why today we will discuss why a successful proposal in upwork is so important to us. By that we mean how beautifully and in less time we can actually get the project done so if we don’t do all this accurate information in the proposal then in that case client may ignore our proposal so in that case our chances of getting the project are very low.

So we will line up the upwork proposal information in such a way that it is understood that we have enough knowledge about that work and we’re able to create that work in a really good way and create a special one for us in the mind of the client to understand that yes we are really fit to do this work.

We will present to the client what necessary steps we need to do at the time of the work, not only that, we will discuss with the client what problems we see in that work before we go to do it, and we will present these things as details between us.

So you may understand how important a upwork proposal is to you and your client. We just have to follow the above process and based on that we have to write a nice cover letter and send that cover letter to the client then we can expect a response from the client’s side.

How to write a successful Upwork proposal?

I hope you understand a little bit from the information given above what kind of proposal should be in Upwork. Always remember that a upwork proposal is the first impression which represents you in front of a client so its really very important.

Here I’ve discussed all the possible reasons which is required at the time of writing a cover letter. If you follow those steps properly then you’ve a great chance to get the project.

Avoid Copy paste upwork proposal

But first of all I would like to mention to you that whenever we write any upwork proposal to a client we will never use any copy-paste upwork proposal. I mean maybe someone has already made a template for the upwork proposal on graphic design then in that case if I am a graphic designer and I copied and sent that pre-made proposal to the client only there I just changed my name then in that case you will never get the project.

Because we have to keep in mind that the person to whom we are sending our cover letter or upwork proposal is also a person and he has the ability to understand so if we send this kind of pre-made copy-pasted proposal to him, the client will be able to catch it effortlessly.

I will keep in mind that when a client posts a project on upwork, there are some details in it, we have to read about that project first, and based on that, if they match our skills, then we bid on that project, but in case we send a copy paste upwork proposal, the client will understand that it is pre-made because there must be no relation between the upwork proposal and the project description.

The upwork proposal matches directly but the client will never find it suitable for his project. In that case we will have no chances to get that project and We don’t expect to get any response from there.

So what we have to do in this case is to first avoid the copy-pasted cover letter from this thought. We will never use this kind of copy-pasted cover letter or proposal. As much as we will write the upwork proposal based on our own skills and based on the client’s project and then the client will understand that ‘yes’ we have read his project and based on that we are writing him a proposal. In that case the client will have a trusting attitude towards us and Give us a very good job.

Focus on the solution

We should always focus on the client’s problem because the client wants to get his solution through us through his project so if we can solve that client’s work very well then client will be very happy so when we see a project on the upwork platform we should say first how well we can accomplish that task well for the client.

Because if we can make it clear that we can accomplish this task in a very beautiful way through some particular steps then the client trust us and give us the task so whenever we’re writing a upwork proposal, we always focus on the solution of the project. The client will be more interested in us if we will always write the proposal expressing the solution.

How to start ?

When we start writing a upwork proposal we should never use these words ‘hello’ ‘hi’ in the beginning because they seem to be very friendly. We can write upwork proposals using these words but the client will not give us so much priority. He will think that we are writing with a friendly manner.

If we write upwork proposals with a good friendly manner, it good , but more important than our friendly manner is that we need to be professional. When we start writing a proposal, first of all we use ant word like “Dear Hiring manager” , “Good Day”, “Dear Sir” . If we know the name of the client, then we will start writing the upwork proposal with his name. If I can’t find my name, then I will tell you a process.

First check the client’s other project feedback on the previous projects that the client has. Feedback is given to the client in various ways and the name of the client is written there by the freelancer. From there you will write the upwork proposal with the name.

Don’t write more

You should never write more than you need to. You need to write as much as you need in the upwork proposal in your upwork.

When we analyze a project, we will highlight the details of that project in that upwork proposal, we will focus on that project and we will mention the decision we will reach in the upwork proposal but we will not represent ourselves so much.

We will say very little about ourselves. We just want to explain that we have enough skills to do that particular project this way we will write the upwork proposal. We can use our problem solving mind when writing a upwork proposal.

Use portfolio presentation

When we bid on upwork on a client’s project, we must send our portfolio presentation to the client as it will help the client to understand that we have sufficient skills in that project.

If I am a graphic designer then I must send the graphic design related portfolio also if I am a web developer then I will send the upwork proposal to the client along with the addresses of all the websites that I have designed before in my upwork proposal.

So that it is easy to understand that yes we have enough knowledge to do a particular project. Suppose we have enough skill but sometimes we forget to attach our portfolio. Maybe we don’t get the project even though we are skilled.

It is very important to use the portfolio presentation so that the client do not have any hesitation If I am a graphics designer, I will send my graphic design related portfolio to the client. This is how we will use our portfolio.


So this way you can write a cover letter or proposal. Use the above steps and write a great proposal. I hope you’ll get success.

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