How can i use freepik for youtube in 2024?

How can I use freepik for youtube with or without attribution: As a YouTube content creator, we can use Freepik as a source to create amazing YouTube content without any problem. However, Freepik has its own policies for using freepik’s resources regarding YouTube content or video content creation.

How can i use freepik for youtube

What is Freepik Attribution: Freepik’s attribution is the process by which the original author is given credit visually and through URL links, and implies that resources used from the FreePik platform are Freepik’s own products.

When a person uses this product for personal or commercial purposes, this attribution proves who is the original author of the resource used. Attribution works here as a means of giving that credit to freepik contributor.

Why we need to use freepik for youtube?

One of the most important steps for a YouTube content creator is to capture the attention of viewers. The most important part behind this attention grabber is the YouTube thumbnail and youtube content itself.

Why we need to use freepik for youtube

For youtube content creating purpose the 1st step is the “Thumbnail” and the second step is “video content”. The more attractive the thumbnail, the more interested the visitors will be in watching the video and if the thumbnail is not so attractive, in that case the visitor will skip the video and go to watch another video.

So creating attractive thumbnails as well as content is very important. While creating the thumbnails, remember that the thumbnails should be your content related, interesting and should attract the visitors easily. So how can we do that? Here we need freepik.

Creating very high quality content for YouTube and creating appropriate thumbnails for that content is very important. But to do this it takes us a lot of time to create a content because it takes a lot of time to create a beautiful content and edit them with useful thumbnails.

Freepik solves this problem for us and we easily get so many graphics materials in Freepik, that we can easily use those materials in making our projects, nfts, personal work, YouTube videos etc. So after making those youtube videos we can also use freepik’s resources to make thumbnails. In this situation, our time is reduced a lot. This is why the platform is so useful for us.

This freepik platform has more than thousands of pre made graphic assets and thumbnail templates created by freepik and freepik contributor. We can easily create super attractive content and thumbnails for our YouTube channel using the graphic resources of freepik.This way we can use freepik for youtube and this process is really helpful.

Why attribution needed to use freepik for youtube

Attribution is required to use freepik for youtube to avoid copyright issue.Freepik resources are freepik’s copyrighted products subject to Freepik’s Policy.

So if you want to use them as a free member, all those resources can be used in accordance with the rules and terms of freepik and that is the “ATTRIBUTION” If we follow all these policies like attribution, main elements etc properly, we can easily use Freepik to create YouTube content.

How to give attribution to use freepik for youtube

Attribution to freepik

First of all we have to choose whether we want to work with graphic resources as a free member of Freepik or as a premium member. If we want to work with graphics as a free member, then attribution is very important and it definitely required.

Attribution link to freepik

After giving the freepik attribution, It comply with Freepik’s graphics use and copyright policy but if we want to use the graphic resources of Freepik as a premium member, we will continue without attribution.

So now we will discuss in detail how to give attribution to resources received from Freepik as a free member to use freepik for youtube!

  • when we create content for YouTube, if we use Freepik’s graphic elements, we have to mention “Design by freepik” among the resources used.
  • When working with Freepik’s graphic resources or creating a video, the words “Design by Freepik” should appear in the entire video as a credit .
  • Or if you don’t want to do that, in that case you can use this text by “Design by Freepik” as a credit at the end of the video after making the whole video.
  • This applies to all used resources of Freepik.
  • After creating the content nicely we will upload it to YouTube. Now in the youtube’s description box of the uploaded video or content on YouTube, we have to give the link in the description part. This way we can create attribution link for Freepik.

This way we can give attribute to “Design by Freepik” and the link of Freepik’s website in our youtube description box to use freepik for youtube.

Can i use freepik for youtube without attribution

We may use the Freepik Platform without attribution. But here we have to remember that we obiously need a premium membership. Because attribution is mandatory for every free members.

how to use freepik without attribution

But if we are premium members, when we use any freepik graphic resource, we will be given a license from Freepik. With this license we can use the graphic resource without attribution.

One more thing, we have to remember that for a premium member or a free member, while using the resource, we have to pay enough attention to the main element and the secondary element. Although for youtube videos, we can use freepik images as a main element.

If a free member want to use freepik for youtube without attribution

If you’re a free member and still want to use Freepik’s resources without attribution, that’s actually not possible. But if you’re a professional graphic designer and have experience with graphic design tools then you can create a unique design in a unique style. Now you can check Freepik as only an inspiration and learning purpose. because without attribution you can’t use freepik’s resources as a free member.

freepik free member without attribution

Please always remember the resources taken from Freepik will never match the resources of the content created by you. Thats mean you’ve created a genuine and original graphics for your youtube content.

You can also read freepik for nft.

We don’t create designs that look exactly the same as freepik. Maybe Freepik’s design concept and our own design concept similar but the design should not look exactly the same. If Freepik’s design matches our design exactly same, then you may face legal issue.

For example, let’s say you have copied and created a logo of a popular brand with your graphic design tools but it does not mean that you own the copyright of that logo.

Now keeping the above information in your mind, you’ve created your unique content. Now what will happen?

  • You’re the original author of your created graphics. So you will retain the license to the resource used in that youtube content.
  • This way you can work without attribution as a free member. Because we just take inspiration from freepik but we don’t used them. For this, you must be a professional graphic designer and if you are not a professional graphic designer, then you have to hire a professional graphic designer.
  • The professional graphic designer can create any graphic design according to your mind.
  • You can instruct him for looking at Freepik resources as reference and based on that he can create unique and original graphic resources.
  • This way you can use freepik for youtube.

My point of view

When creating graphics, you must remember that you will never copy Freepik’s resources or modify Freepik’s graphic resources to claim that it yours. As a free user you’ve to give attribution to freepik or without attribution you’ve to obtain a premium membership to use freepik for youtube. Otherwise you’ve to be a graphic designer to create your own design. For more details you should visit the official website of freepik.

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